This page contains links to information and ideas that might help you with different aspects of your Creation Care journey. They are links to external organisations – do let us know if you find a link no longer works, or have suggestions for other resources we could share, using the ‘contact us’ form.
Worship & prayer resources
- Your local Wildlife Trust and the National Trust have beautiful places and run events that can help you spend time outdoors enjoying nature
- A Rocha (a Christian environmental charity) have prayer resources on their website
- Creation Matters small group Bible study notes
- Green Christian has a Prayer Guide and worship resources
- Energy Saving Trust provide advice and resources on saving energy at home
- Climate Stewards have a carbon footprint calculator and allow you to offset your carbon emissions
- The Big Clean Switch is a green energy comparison site
- Find out about wildlife gardening and create a personal action plan for your garden using the RSPB Give Nature a Home webpage
- Find out which plants are good for pollinators using the RHS Plants for Pollinators guide
- Read about protecting nature from a Christian persective in Green Christian’s leaflet on Biodiversity
- Climate Stewards have a carbon footprint calculator and allow you to offset your carbon emissions
- Sustrans have resources to make it easier to walk and cycle
- Responsible Travel have a low carbon travel guide to help you plan holidays that don’t harm creation
- Use MyClimate’s tool to calculate the carbon footprint of your cruises
- Follow Green Christian’s LOAF principles
- The Planetary Health Diet is designed by experts to be healthy and sustainable
- Find out about the impact of palm oil
- Ideas to reduce food waste
Possessions and waste
- Your local Council should have information on what can be recycled in your area
Community and Global Engagement
- Campaign for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill with Green Christian
- Hope for the Future provides training and resources for people to engage with their MP about climate change
- Information about twinning your toilet
- For information about using your money ethically, visit Money Makes Change
- Client Earth have more information about how you can ask your pension provider to make sure you pension isn’t putting the planet at risk
- Christian Climate Action have resources to help Christians take action on climate change
- Ecosia internet search engine and browser plants trees while you search the internet
General resources
- You can order the following general leaflets from Green Christian ( Nine Ways to Live Gently on the Earth and The 7Rs
- See Green Christian’s other resources